Biscayne Blvd, Downtown Miami
Miami, Florida

Come and join us for a new event brought to you by EuroBungy USA and Satélite Musical ( This saturday jump on one of the bungee-trampolines, answer three simple music-related questions and get a FREE Latin music CD. Tell your friends and don't miss it. See you there!

* You must mention this promotion to participate.

Ven y únete a nosotros en un nuevo evento de EuroBungy USA y Satélite Musical ( Este sabado salta en uno de los trampolines, responde tres simples preguntas relacionadas con música y recibe un CD de música latina GRATIS. Cuentale a tus amigos y no te lo pierdas. Nos Vemos!

* Debes mencionar esta promoción para participar.

Official Website:

Added by Satélite Musical on December 1, 2009

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