Currently based in Portland, Oregon, troubadour Julie Martin was born and bred in America's heartland has country music in her blood. Literally. Her mother -- a southern musical angel -- and wanderlust-filled father saw to that. An innate and undeniable passion for song reveals itself in Martin's richly-textured tunes, from the infectious south-of-the-border anecdotes of 'Lorado' to the expectant 'Cold,' both of which feature on her demo CD. In addition to her blood and the crack neo-cowboy outfits she favors, Martin also gains inspiration from folks like Ella Fitzgerald, Marty Robbins, Charlie Pride, Patsy Cline and Leonard Cohen. She lihgts up stages large and small and puts a distinctive mark on everything she sings, her own compelling originals and classic covers alike.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 19, 2009