The show, entitled 'Classical Julie,' will combine classic Halston rants with brand new material, including her inimitable take on Ibsen and other highly literate writers. Julie Halston is one of the theatre's busiest and most well-known actresses. She is currently appearing in the Tony-Award winning Broadway musical, 'Anything Goes' as Evangeline Harcourt. Last season she received a Drama Desk Nomination for her acclaimed performance in Charles Busch's play 'The Divine Sister.' In addition to her prestigious theatrical career, she is known to television audiences as Bitsy Von Muffling on 'Sex and The City,' Tina Carmello on 'The Class' and Antigone Carruthers on the updated PBS children's show 'The Electric Company.' Miss Halston is also known for her award-winning comedic solo shows, which she has performed all over the country.
Added by Upcoming Robot on July 6, 2012