Juggling Blindfolded While Walking a Tight Rope:
A Full-time Teacher's Transition to Teaching 2.0 While Mastering New Technologies, Tools and Leaning Management Systems
Drawing from her own experience, the presenter discusses the successful adoption of new technologies, tools and learning management systems to both face-to face and online classroom settings. For the full time teacher, these tasks require strategies for new learning and efficient integration into existing course structures. Teaching 2.0 approaches demand the right pedagogy, an open mind and a commitment to new learning. The author, who chairs the college’s Academic Technology Advancement Committee, was an advanced Web CT user. She had learned in her own teaching to overcome the LMS’ limitations by employing other multimedia tools, including WiZiQ, Tapped In, Google groups, Blogger, and Gtalk. Nevertheless, it was time to see if a more effective alternative LMS was available. For the person already working full time, high motivation and drive and a willingness to place learning before life are required.
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Added by WiZiQ on April 25, 2009