Judy Moody Day, inspired by the popular star of a fictional series for middle grade readers, will fill the weekend of October 20 and 21 with books, crafts, games and fun. The free weekend organized by the Williamsburg Regional Library will include giveaway items for the participants. For more information, contact the library at (757) 259-4055.
Megan McDonald, the author of more than 30 books and a former childrens librarian at Williamsburg Regional Library, will be present for activities based on her character of Judy Moody, whose books have sold more than seven million copies. This free, family-friendly event is a celebration of books and community with the focus being on getting kids to read and having fun doing it.
On Saturday, October 20, at 11:30 a.m. The Amazing Judy Moody Race That is not a Race! will begin at the Williamsburg Library, 515 Scotland Street, with winners to be announced at 2 p.m.
At 1:30 p.m. the Holly Joliday Celebration starts in City Square, near the Williamsburg Library. Christmas come a bit early this year with holiday-related crafts, tree decorating even snow in October. The library is even shipping in Judys favorite ice cream all the way from Screamin Mimis ice cream parlor in California so kids can enjoy free samples of this sweet treat. Megan McDonald will be at the event, talking about her characters, meeting fans and autographing books, which will be available for purchase.
On Sunday, October 21 at 2 p.m. a regional Judy Moody and Stink (Judys little brother) Look Alike Contest will be followed by cookies, lemonade and an autograph session with the author.
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of programs.
Added by Programs on October 11, 2007