425 W Center St
Provo, Utah 84601

Those drawn to this play because they expect it to be filled with Handel's music are likely to be disappointed. Like 'Amadeus,' it is a behind-the-scenes drama revolving around one of our musical greats. It focuses on a particular period in Handel's life and the events that almost prevented the staging of his most famous work. George Frederick Handel is in trouble: his last opera flopped, he is no longer in favor with King George II and preachers are raging that his latest work is blasphemous. In this climate, he struggles to present 'The Messiah.' Handel's travails are linked with those of his leading soprano. Forced into retirement because of a scandal, she is slated to make her comeback in his new masterpiece and fears a nasty reception. A malicious, back stabbing alternate is waiting in the wings to replace her. A devious bishop and Handel's bulky librettist add to the conflict in this true story of the politics and passion that nearly prevented 'The Messiah' from ever being performed.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 21, 2010