7525 N. Richmond Avenue
Portland, Oregon

Meet Joshua Shapiro and Katrina Head, the crystal skull explorers along with their nine crystal skulls (or crystal children). We are fortunate to have Joshua and Katrina with us all weekend. In this intro talk, Joshua and Katrina will share stories of their world travels as they seek to discover the secrets about the mysterious crystal skulls which are linked to indigenous prophecies and are changing the lives of many who have contact with them. There will be live music and a chance to meet the nine personal crystal skulls which have adopted the Explorers. See Saturday schedule for their all day Crystal Skull Workshop! Private Sessions available Sunday and Monday To learn more about Joshua and Katrina either visit their website at: http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/cs.html or download their free e-book, "Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers (the free e-book edition)" at: http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/free-ebook/csexplorers.html Suggested Donation of $10

In Saturday's all day workshop Joshua and Katrina will go into great depth about the crystal skulls. Joshua will share a very elaborate slide (digital) show give the history of the most well known crystal skulls along with some special personal experiences and will also share some video with exclusive interviews. There will also be questions and answers, a world peace meditation and hands-on work with the Explorers' crystal skulls. If you have any personal crystal or crystal skulls, you are invited to bring them to be charged with the "crystal children". Private Sessions with the Crystal Skulls are available Sunday and Monday!

The personal crystal skulls which have adopted Joshua & Katrina (nine in total) are called the "crystal children" because each of these skulls has a living intelligence linked to it and they are evolving through the Explorers' travels, research and personal contact the skulls have. In this session, the participant picks one of the personal skulls to work with directly and privately. To experience the special life changing energies linked to the crystal skulls. The session begins with a meditation with music while holding the skull of choice during which Katrina offers a universal light healing that she receives for the recipient. After the meditation, Katrina shares what she observed during the meditation and then Joshua offers an intuitive consulting. This consulting deals with the current energetic state of the person, special messages and intuitive insights Joshua receives including the participants special gifts and talents and possibly information about past lives. The participant, with time permitting can ask questions at the end. Cost is $45 for half hour, $90 for full hour

Contact David at Crystal Temple to schedule your session: 503-249-0303 david@crystaltemple.org

Official Website: http://www.crystaltemple.org

Added by sueflah on April 5, 2011

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