Lecture on Thursday 27 November 2008 at 7pm
In the Bridewell Hall, St Bride Foundation
The adjective ‘systematic’ (from the Greek word ‘systematikos’) means, in one dictionary definition: ‘proceeding from a system, methodical, planned; corresponding to a system’. Systematic book design thus means: book design that follows a plan fixed before the work begins. A conscious, rational procedure sooner or later reaches an end: the unconscious – or that which is a matter of feeling – plays a large and often decisive role in design. Using examples from some of his own works, Jost Hochuli will try to show where the irrational has resolved rational decisons.
After this talk Jost will be happy to answer questions both on book design and aspects of typographic detailing, the subject of his new book Detail in typography. Copies of this book published by Hyphen Press will be available for on sale on the evening at a specially discounted rate.
Official Website: http://stbride.org/events?show=josthochuli
Added by Ben Weiner on November 20, 2008