1485 Valley Forge Road
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

Saturday, October 16 · 2:00pm - 6:00pm
National Christian Conference Center
1485 Valley Forge Road
Valley Forge, PA

Come for an afternoon full of fun!!! Food, Music, Inflatables, Silent Auction, Paintball pumpkin target practice, Face painting, Popcorn, Cotton candy and more.....

$15 ages 18 and up
$7 ages 12-17
$5 ages 0-11

If you are interested in donating any items for food, silent auction, or volunteer your time for set-up or clean-up, etc. please contact Megan Glennon. (contact info below)

Josh was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in December 2009. He had a thyroidectomy and standard thyroid cancer treatment through the spring of 2010. At that time, cancer was found in Josh’s lymph system and lungs. Recently, post-treatment scans showed that there are now several new areas of malignant activity in Josh’s neck and lungs. Ongoing tests, scans, etc are currently being performed and Josh will have more surgery this fall. The Allens will be getting a second opinion from CHOP at the end of October to determine how to treat his lungs. This is likely to be administered in Washington DC or New York City in the spring, after his lungs have had time to rest from the last course of treatment.

ANY AND ALL MONEY WILL BE USED TO COVER THE ONGOING TREATMENT FOR JOSH. If you would like to make a donation and cannot attend the event, please make a check out to John or Christine Allen (memo-Josh's Fund) or a tax-deductible donation can be made out to U.S.C.W.M. (U.S. Center for World Missions)

Mail all donations to:

P.O. Box 558
SE Facility, Pa. 19399

Questions and concerns can be directed through me, Megan Glennon through email. jjmmglennon@verizon.net

Rain Date for fundraiser October 17 2pm-6pm
for rain date information the day of please go to http://nationalchristianconferencecenter.org/events/josh-allens-harvest-fest-fundraiser

Added by Phoenixville Fun on September 30, 2010

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