201-C E Main Street
Carrboro, North Carolina 27510

Hear 12 great NCSC performers on stage at the Carrboro Music Festival in the Southern Rail BeerGarden. Sit down. Set a spell. Food and beverages are available. Treat the kids to live family friendly music.

Performing are:

The performers are:

[*] 1:00 Lang Baradell with Dwight Sullivan
[*] 1:30 Dwight Sullivan with Lang Baradell
[*] 2:00 Jeremy Gilchrist with Nate Osborne on trumpet http://www.myspace.com/jeremygilchrist
[*] 2:30 Letha Costin - Tranzenders http://www.myspace.com/transzenders
[*] 3:30 Chuck Champion http://www.myspace.com/chuckchampion
[*] 4:00 Louise Bendall http://www.myspace.com/louisebendallmusic
[*] 4:30 Pete Leary & friend
[*] 5:00 Jamie Purnell http://www.myspace.com/jamiepurnell
[*] 5:30 Dave Turner http://www.myspace.com/daveturnermusic
[*] 6:00 Jon Batson http://www.myspace.com/JonBatsonMusic
[*] 6:30 Rupert Wates http://www.myspace.com/rupertwates


Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of ebatson.

Added by Event Promo on September 4, 2008

Interested 1