Fillmore St. at Marina Blvd
San Francisco, California 94123

Join us for Fleet Week! Join our gathering to watch the 2012 Fleet Week Air Show in SF on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 11:30 AM. Bring drinks to share and something to sit on. Food vendors onsite or pack a picnic. This is a community event: mingle with local skiers and boarders and get a head start on connecting for 2012-13 Tahoe trips. Existing and new members welcomed.

8am-5pm Weapons Display at Alameda, near USS Hornet free,open to public
9-5 Humanitarian Assistance Village on Marina Green
9-4 Free Ships tours aboard LHD 8 USS MAKIN ISLAND
10am Powell St. Cable Car Turn around 1st Marine Division Band Concert
11am Parade of Ships (Ships coming in under GGB to their piers)
12:30-4 Fleet Week Air Show
1pm PIER 39 USN Sea Cadet Corps Band of The West Concert
9:30pm Fireworks sponsored by Hornblowers, Pier 3

About us:

Snowpals is an alternative to traditional ski clubs for busy Bay Area Professionals founded in 1999 by a few friends who wanted to create a vibrant community that actually do things; we're now at 5,800+ SF Bay Area skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels.

join us at

Official Website:

Added by snowpalsdotorg on October 3, 2012

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