About Advantage: DREAMS:
Last year, over 150 people supported a one-of-a-kind tennis event and helped give deserving students in Atlanta an advantage. These people had at least two things in common: a love for tennis and a desire to give back to their community.
On October 3rd, Create Your Dreams will host our second annual tennis party, Advantage: Dreams. Like last year’s successful event, the event will bring together tennis players from courts all over Atlanta, who play at all levels, who play for fun and who play to win, for a night of round-robins, skills clinics, contests, dinner and fun!
Love means nothing to a tennis player, but everything to a child’s success. Unfortunately, there are many bright children in underserved areas of our city who lack the tools, resources, opportunities and love that it takes for them to be able to reach their potential. As a result, children lose their dreams of becoming future teachers, doctors, engineers and business leaders. Create Your Dreams provides an advantage to a group of deserving students in Atlanta, changing their odds for success and allowing them to live their dreams.
Fortunately, there are people in Atlanta who will raise their racquet for success. Sign up today to raise YOUR racquet!
Ticket Levels:
Dream-Makers, $100: Each Dream-Maker will receive a coupon for one free hour with a local pro! At the event, Dream-Makers will receive special recognition in the form or preferred parking, seating and more in addition to a great night of tennis, dinner, drinks and fun!
Players, $50: Players receive a goody bag in addition to a great night of tennis, dinner, drinks and fun!
Fans, $25: Players, bring your "J-Block" to cheer you on or just hang out. Fans enjoy dinner and drinks.
Official Website: http://advantagedreams.eventbrite.com
Added by eventbrite leev events on October 3, 2008