25 1st Avenue
New York, New York 10003

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow aerial enthusiasts and continue to learn about ourselves in health and well being, as we learn to eat with intention with a Bhagavat Life cooking class and dinner.

Why is it important to eat with intention? Our strength of body and clarity of mind depends on it! Eating with intention helps maintain our ability to become more than we can imagine, climb to new heights, and provide all of the sustainable energy to do so.

Success in life - no matter what our goals - is dependent on the energy that we put into it. We need to keep our inner light shining brightly! Since we truly are what we eat, our lives depends on us eating well.

So bring a friend for this fun, intimate, personal setting with just our SkyBody family, and let's all work together to build our community in health and wellness. This year, its time to try new things and take time out of our busy lives for the welfare of ourselves.

The Ayurvedic cooking class will be led by Bhagavat Life's Chef Diyva, and is a 2.5 hour intro to the art of delicious vegetarian meals based on Aryveda (the Doshas). Bhagavat Life is very genuine, the food is fresh, all natural, homemade, vegan-friendly and gluten-free. Chef Diyva will explain why eating to your 'prakriti' or personal constituition is a wiser choice, and talks about why she uses the ingredients she does as she shows us how simple it can be to cook healthy meals that are extremely delicious! We will not be doing any hands on cooking ourselves during this class, but will enjoy an informative lecture, an engaging discussion where Chef Diyva will answer any questions you have, a cooking demonstration, and will end with a dinner for us all to enjoy - as well as delicious recipes to take home with us as we strive to make smarter choices.

So join us on Monday, March 19th from 6pm to 8:30pm and take some time out with your SkyBody family!

The cost for a Bhagavat Life Cooking Class and Dinner is usually $100, but for this special event the cost is only $60 per person.

Click below to reserve your place now!

For more information on Bhagavat Life and their classes, please visit their website below.

Added by cchmarketingandevents on March 15, 2012