Activists and Interested Sinners, meet us in Solemn Prayer and Unappeased Preaching at the O Henry Museum, 12PM Saturday, 409 East Fifth Street. The devil Starbucks doesn't pay for its coffee, presides with other coffee retailers over an $80 billion market that leaves millions of coffee farmers impoverished. Oh! The Abomination Medley of the Mermaid With No Nipples! Clamor to thy knees in abject redemption, thou neighborhood destroyer!
Starbucks seduces children and vulnerable yuppies into the Devil's Fake Avant Garde Monoculture. WE MUST EXORCISE THE STARBUCKS OF DOWNTOWN AUSTIN!
More information on the Austin Revival Schedule at
Contact: Michael O'Neil 917-825-3562
Added by revbilly on March 9, 2007