You can join this club at anytime!
Receive current catalog FREE!
Make 3-4 FREE Projects each month featuring the Sizzez Big Shot Machine! Projects will include cards, scrapbooking embelishements, 3-D items, gift items and more!
3 ways to qualify for this Exclusive Club:
1) Buy BIG SHOT Special Edition Starter Kit ($195.95) from me and you can attend 4 club meetings for FREE with no additional orders required! When you buy the BIG SHOT from me, you will also get:Free Catalog$20 free SU! merchandiseLevel 1 Hostess Set
2) Buy the BIG SHOT Special Edition Starter Kit on lay-a-way!Payment Plan A - $59 a month for 4 months Big ShotMultipurpose platform & cutting pads2 exclusive Bigz die (Scallop Env. & Top Note)1 SU! exclusive Sizzlit-4pack (Birds & Blooms)1 SU! exclusive decorative strip (Join the Cheer)Decorative Strip cutting pads & extended spacer platform AND1 package assorted 8 x 11 cardstock Free Catalog$20 free SU! merchandiseLevel 1 Hostess SetPayment Plan B - $78 a month for 4 monthsSame as aboveDoctors Bag (holds Big Shot, dies, and Sizzlits)AND1 package assorted 8 x 11 cardstockFree catalog$25 free SU! merchandiseLevel 1 Hostess Set
3) If you already own the Big Shot, you can also join the club, by purchasing $40 worth of Sizzex Dies from me for 4 consecutive months. You will also get:Free Catalog$20 free SU! merchandiseLevel 1 Hostess Set
Local: Several meeting dates available each month..
Long Distance (over 2 hour away) - I will mail you the completed projects each month. ($6 additional shipping fee applies)
Organized by Stampland StudioBlaney
Ticket Info: - I am going to order the BIG SHOT starter KIt & pay in Full, Free
- I am going to do the Payment Plan A for the BIG SHOT Starter Kit, Free
- I already own the BIG SHOT, I will order $40 in SU! dies from you at each meeting, Free
- I am a member of this club and will be attending!, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/288075642/upcoming