3001 S Congress Ave.
Austin, Texas TX

With some of the nations leading accessibility and usability experts, bonus half-day workshops and fun networking events this year’s John Slatin Access U will be better than ever. We will be exploring the future of accessibility and universal design, how to address changes in WCAG 2.0, accessible AJAX techniques and strategies for evangelizing accessibility within your organization.

On The Agenda
Learn from accessibility and usability experts from all over the country, who’ve made waves in their respective areas. They’ll be telling you how can successfully use accessibilty and what they’ve learned from their own experiences… Join us in Austin for three days of fun and learning!

Why You Should Attend
•Discover practical ways to make accessibility work for your organization.
•Explore new changes and findings in accessibility, usability and design.
•Be inspired by success stories and innovators.
•Learn the tools and techniques for accessibility.
•Network with like-minded people!
•A full slate of top notch training!

What can you expect
•New Usability track with certification.
•Keynotes by Whitney Quesenbery and Kelsey Ruger.
•Two All-Day Intensives with Molly Holzschlag and Derek Featherstone.
•Movie Night Out! Audio described movie and networking with instructors.
•Three Day “Molly” track on HTML/CSS and Accessibility.

Post Conference workshops on May 13th
Breaking New Ground: Designing for Accessibility in Emerging Technologies with Derek Featherstone
HTML/CSS/Accessible Design Intensive with Molly Holzschlag

Official Website: http://www.knowbility.org/conference/

Added by TeenyaF on April 7, 2009