This year's JSB Symposium featuring danah boyd, a social media researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School. Her talk will be on "Youth-Generated Culture: Growing Up in an Era of Social Media."
Note new location: The presentation will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13 in the Blau Auditorium of the Ross School of Business, Tappan and Monroe Streets, on the U-M Central Campus.
This provocative, free talk is for anyone interested in understanding social media -- whether users, educators, business leaders, service providers, or technology developers. danah boyd observes that many of today's youth embrace a wide array of social media. Whether on social network sites, texting, or blogging, youth leverage the power of social media to create, communicate, share, and learn.
Official Website:
Added by emv on August 7, 2009