Added by Upcoming Robot on October 4, 2008
Up to at least 8 people now. Any other librarians out there??
We are up to 10 people confirmed, with 3 other possibles. Anyone else?? The more the merrier!
Hi Connie and Wendy
This is a great idea. I am looking forward to reading this book over the weekend. I have heard A.M. speak on CBC Radio many times over the years about his love of literature so I am sure it will be a fascinating read.
Cheers, Jacquie Fex
Location is confirmed! We'll be meeting in Room 728 at FIS - 140 St. George St. (short walk from the St. George Station).
I'm looking forward to tomorrow night. We've got a good dozen or more people signed up. And I've baked cookies. 8-)
See you then.
2 people have confirmed attendance via email. Yay!