John Adams
Waking up to an Open World
The talk will outline the hurdles in place which prevent the wholesale adoption of free and open software and how they will be removed.
John Adams is Managing Director of Mintra Limited an independant Systems integrator which supports mixed Open and Closed systems. John is an active member of Axiom Technology which is an Open Source Specialist, John is also Liason officer for the open source consortium.
ManLUG normally meets at 14:00 hrs on the third Saturday of the month with the odd exception like December which would be too close to the Christmas festivities. We try and get two willing volunteers to give a talk for each meeting, but sometimes this is hard work. Installfests are usually held around twice a year. (April/October).
After the formal meeting we usually head off to the Sandbar for drinks and informal banter.
As a matter of policy, the University have asked us to bring some photo identification to show the porters if we are asked. Please remember that the University is kind enough to let us use their facilities without a fee, so perhaps we can agree to this gracefully.
Official Website:
Added by Nik_Doof on April 22, 2008