2096 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, British Columbia V5N4B

Local singer-songwriter Joey Only, the man who defines the middle ground where "gutter punk" and "redneck hillbilly" meet, has been in the hospital since June 27th. There he has been having his left lung, partially collapsed due to unknown circumstances, drained of over a litre and drained again, after apparently gathering fluid for several weeks before the pain and difficulty in breathing and singing drove him to finally get it checked out. The pain of the drainage tube being repeatedly inserted and removed from his lung has been incomparable to anything he's ever experienced, and the helplessness and lack of strength he's faced while being pumped full of morphine and other drugs have been a huge challenge for a guy who has, in his own words, "always laughed death in the face" -- whether on top of a 1000-meter cliff, staring into the eyes of a grizzly, resisting at the hands of riot cops, bus drivers and judges (though never, to the best of my knowledge, all three at the same time), or being struck by lightning. The guy is tough, but even the toughest warriors have to surrender to their own bodies and recuperate.

To help Joey's fightin' rebel spirit to heal, soar and overcome this traumatic experience, and to help compensate for gigs that he (a professional musician) will have to cancel while hospitalised (hopefully he'll be better by the July 19th IWW 101st Anniversary gig at the Foundation... if he isn't sent to recover under his parents' supervision in Ontario), we're helping to put on a "Rally for Joey Only" benefit night at Cafe Deux Soleils (2096 Commercial at 5th) this Tuesday July 11, from 9 pm on. Come out to show your love & support for Joey, and enjoy a few hours of solidarity and friendship with other friends and fans. Admission is by donation, with all proceeds going toward helping Joey get back on his feet and back in action. Let's celebrate the Only musician, organizer, rabble-rouser and community builder that can do it like Joey, so come on down, sign the guestbook and show Joey you care! Thanks for your support, and PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

(If you're interested in performing or helping out, please contact Christina at 604-437-9333 or czaenker@yahoo.com; she'll be absent this weekend but all details will be confirmed and finalised on Monday the 10th.)

PS -- he appreciates visits in the hospital, in room 420 (dude! but, with lung problems, no longer) on Floor 12A of the VGH, but you may have to ask for him under the name "Joseph W. Johnson" at the front desk. Alternately you should be able to reach him by telephone at 604-875-5400, extension 60556.

Added by UnwashedMass on July 6, 2006

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