Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (E4S) presents the next expert in their National Speaker series, Joel Makower, October 17 from 5:30PM – 8:30PM at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
The Associated Press has called Makower “The guru of green business practices.”Makower has helped a variety of companies develop their corporate environmental strategies, including GE, GM, Hewlett Packard, and Nike. A writer and business strategist focusing on sustainable business and clean technology, Makower is founder of GreenBiz.com, the leading web portal in sustainable business, and co-founder of Clean Edge, a clean-tech research company.
Tickets are $20 per person. Registration is required. To register, click here. (Cash and checks will be accepted at the door.)
Official Website: http://www.e4s.org/content/eventdetail.asp?id=106
Added by jeffschuler on September 28, 2006