Joel and Victoria Osteen are coming to a city near you in 2009! Make plans now to attend one of these inspirational nights of encouragement, hope and worship.
ABC NEWS: Video and article: Osteen preaches message of hope Reporter: By Lisa Thomas-Laury Friday, December 05, 2008 | 11:08 AM
Joel Osteen's enthusiasm and positive attitude are only parts of the reason his television broadcast is the most watched inspirational program in the country.
The main reason he's been able to take his message to more than 100 million households throughout the U.S. is that people believe he's authentic.
...he says he understands why his message is so appealing to so many.
"There's so much negativity coming at us today. You look around in the world, there's a lot things that can bring us down. I think people are drawn to a message of hope. When they hear somebody telling them there are good days up ahead and that they can overcome an obstacle, that they can live better, I think that just resonates on the inside, that's just who God made us to be, to continue to grow," Osteen said.
..."My gift is to encourage people and to make the scriptures relevant to today&It's one thing to read a verse, but how do you forgive, how do you keep a good attitude when the economy's not good, and things like that, so I feel I'm talking about issues where the rubber meets the road," Osteen said.
YouTube: Larry King: The Osteens 15:44
Larry talks with Joel and Victoria Osteen about keeping the faith and making it through these tough times.
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Joel Osteen
Key Arena Seattle, WA
For: Fri, 03/13/09 07:30 PM
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