459 Valley St
Orange, New Jersey 07050

Get swept up in the original soulful and catchy works of Jodie Levinson, a native of the Garden State. Levinson is proud to be back in Orange @ Hat City Kitchen. Jodie will play keyboards and be singing original songs off her debut album, In the City, alongside guitarist, Vin Landolfi. Don't miss it!

"Overall the debut CD from Jodie Levinson is a rock solid debut statement. At the end the day Levinson knows how to work it, but just venerable enough to really win your heart over. She's doesn't give off any "Tainted Goods" factor, in fact her voice is rather pure & somewhat innocent. She definably brings a lot to the table: her voice, her look, her persona, her youth & yes her personality. Her best songs are clearly the ones that are spicy, seductive & "bring the groove." Kudos also goes out to the production brilliance of Lisa Ratner - a true professional. If Levinson just so happens to be a good dancer & can deliver a slam dunk live presentation - well this would make her extremely dangerous."
Cyrus Rhodes, Musesmuse.com

"Ms Levinson, with her defined bold vocals reminiscent of Bonnie Tyler and outgoing stage presence captures a willing audience into her performance and moves them to their feet to dance with joy."

Added by Jodie Levinson on July 11, 2011