TONS of great music: Donna Hopkins Band, Ralph Roddenbery Band, Caroline Aiken, Carrie Taylor, (she's new on the scene and RRB's invited her to join in on the fun!) - Mudcat, Captain Solarcat,
Jimmy Young Band, Beginning at 3 p.m. activities will include:
A Children's Rhythm Circle, using drums, shakers, bells and voice. Neighborhood Stage Dance Troupe.
Suggested donation is $10 for adults, children are free. All monies spent are tax-deductible, and 98% will go to Jodi's liver fund. All you can eat food is extra - $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children.
Other participating businesses include:
The Holistic Life Center, Katherine Volk, LAC. Decatur; The Bionic Priestess Project; Terrapin Beer, Beasley Chiropractic, Jake?s Toadhouse; and a variety of local restaurants
Added by F.A.Daniel on February 24, 2005