11306 Inwood Road
dallas, Texas 75229

This seminar is for everyone who is working or planning to enter the workforce. US Department of Labor statistics show today’s worker will change jobs an average of 10 times over the course of their career.

Preparation and knowledge are essential ingredients of making your next transition a successful one. In this seminar, you will learn the latest tips, techniques and tricks to manage your job search and your career for long term success. In our keynote session by Jon Davis and panel discussion with experts, we will cover:

• The latest trends in hiring and employment in the DFW metroplex
• Defining exactly what type of job you are seeking
• Developing a winning resume
• Interview Tips and Tricks
• Online Networking to increase your visibility to your target audience
• Managing your career for long term success

Official Website: http://www.gracebiblechurch.org/zonedisplay.asp?ZoneID=291

Added by gracebiblechurchdallas on October 21, 2009