Job Search, Entrepreneurship, or Back to School?
Strategies to Manage Your Career in Today's Economy.
Managing your career in good times is as difficult as managing it otherwise. Why? In good times, there are more people, willing to take a risk, chasing a large number of available opportunities. In rough times there are “fewer” opportunities, companies
are very selective in their hiring process, and more people are still competing for those few opportunities. Today’s economy is somewhat like the latter, so it is important to re-align your strategy to create a niche for yourself and to elevate your personal brand.
Realignment of strategy requires you to ponder over some basic questions:
* What is your next career milestone that you will be happy with when you reach it?
* Is finding the next job in the industry that is familiar to you, the right thing for you?
* Have you explored identifying ignored opportunities within a company as a penetration strategy, where YOU alone can add significant value?
* What are your differentiating strengths? What past activities, successes, and recognition contribute to defining YOU and your brand?
* Is this a good time to explore entrepreneurship? Are there ideas that you have always wanted to explore, but never had the time and risk-appetite to pursue them?
* Is it a great time to go back to school and enhance your knowledge and network?
* Have you thought of finding a good mentor or coach who can help you figure out your next best move or have you surrendered to trial and error as the only option to manage your career?
In this workshop, we will touch upon these important questions and then dive deep into real take-home strategies and tools you can readily apply.
6.00 – 6.30 p.m. Registration & Networking
6.30 – 8.30 p.m. -
* Reflecting on your next best move
* Job search and career management strategies
* Entrepreneurship opportunities
Vivian Li, Director of Marketing, CCICE
Dilip Saraf, LinkedIn’s Top Coach
Dr. Ravi Gundlapalli, CEO, Parjanya Inc.
Prof. Sara Rauchwerger, Managing Director, BG Strategy
Official Website:
Added by CCICE on September 17, 2010