3110 Mustang Road
Alvin, Texas 77511

In response to the local rise in unemployment and current economic conditions, a free Job Readiness Seminar will be held at Alvin Community College on March 31 to assist displaced, skilled workers in re-entering the job market or any area resident looking for employment. The event will take place in the new Science/Health Science Building from 2 to 7 p.m. Workshops and one-on-one assistance will help guests write effective resumes, acquire skills for impressing potential employers during interviews, learn to manage current financial resources, pursue additional skills training, manage stress and more. The Job Readiness Seminar is being coordinated by ACC, in partnership with the City of Alvin, Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce, Gulf Coast Workforce Board, Texas Gulf Coast Consortium of Community Colleges and Workforce Solutions. For additional information, contact the ACC Office of Admissions and Academic Advising at (281) 756-3531.

Official Website: http://www.alvincollege.edu

Added by K. Strube on March 9, 2009