Hello, I'm John Brown from England. We are looking for Representatives in the United States for a part-time job offer, and we are willing to pay you $400 -$800 per week (depending on how fast you work) We are an Orphanage Home Located in Winsford, Cheshire, and we have people and Organisations that wants to make donation to us after we have made an appeal to them.We help the less priviledge (In Africa and other Underdeveloped countries)
with class programs, Medical Programs, Famine Feed, Educational Programs (TEP) and more.
So we need representatives in the United states who would assist us in recieving these Donations and we are going to pay you 10% of every donation you recieve. These Donation come in checks or money orders, And it would be mailed to you by our donors to you location through UPS or FEDEX , So all you just have to do is for you to receive the check then cash it ....After cashing the check you are to take 10% of the money and send the balance to us through Western Union Money Transfer.
The reason why we are in need of people in the United states to help us cash these checks is that, the checks do take us 21-30 days for it to be cashed here in the Uk, But it does not take that much time for it to be cashed in the US since its a Us money, We are also using it as a means to help people who needs extra money to support there income, Because we do pay 25% as tax on any check we receive in the Uk, So we decided to make the transaction faster and use it to help people. Here is our link:http://www.corafrica.org .The only problem we have is trusting you with our money. Though anyone who tries to runaway with our money would be reported. So can we trust you with the Orphans Donations?
If interested please reply to this email with the Informations Below ( ariniceo1@hotmail.com)
1. Your Names (Which will be on the check)
2. Your Address, Zip code, state. (Where the check would be sent)
3. Your Home and cellphone Number (To Contact You)
4.Your Age and Gender.
5. Email address.
God bless you as you reply , please we want serious people only.
John Brown.
Added by john.goodyear on November 11, 2008