In their new book, Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're In without Going Crazy, Joanna Macy and co-author Chris Johnstone start by acknowledging the feelings so many of us are dealing with: keeping hope alive while facing serious challenges on multiple fronts. On Sunday, April 15th, come join Joanna Macy and Jack Macy to explore ways to build energy, teamwork, and joy in creating a just and livable future for all here on Earth.
Together, we are participating in the greatest adventure humans have ever known: moving from military-industrial empire to a life-sustaining civilization. Using breath, movement, and personal sharing in interactive exercises, Joanna and Jack will introduce you to The Work That Reconnects. Drawn from spiritual traditions as well as living systems theory, this experiential group work is used worldwide in movements for peace, justice, and environmental sanity. Wear loose clothes, bring a mat and cushion if you'd prefer that to a chair, and show up at 1:45 so we can get to work at 2, and come prepared to fall in love with life again.
Joanna Macy, ecophilosopher and scholar of Buddhism and systems theory, is the root teacher of The Work That Reconnects. She travels widely giving lectures, workshops, and trainings in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Her many books include Active Hope (2012); Pass It On: Five Stories That Can Change the World (2010); and Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World (1998). Joanna's work helps people transform despair, burnout, and numbness, in the face of overwhelming social and ecological crises, into constructive, collaborative action.
Jack Macy, member of First Unitarian Church of Oakland and co-chair of the Earth Justice Associates, is a sustainability activist and internationally known leader in the zero waste movement. Jack has had the privilege of doing The Work That Reconnects with Joanna and knowing her his entire life.
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Added by FullCalendar on March 25, 2012