James Anthony Patrick "Jimmy" Carr, is an English comedian, author, actor and presenter of radio and television, known for his deadpan delivery and dark humour. A former marketing executive for Shell, Carr moved to a career in comedy in 2000. After becoming established as a stand-up comedian, Carr began to appear in a number of Channel 4 television shows, most notably as the host of the panel show 8 Out of 10 Cats.Jimmy Carr UK Tour will surely be a great performance you are going to see! Jimmy Carr’s dark and satirical humor is like no other, watching this stand up comedian live is really a treat of laughter and worth seeing Attending the Jimmy Carr tour is very much recommended if you want to enjoy cracking up comedy.Get Jimmy Carr Tickets from Soldoutticketmarket.com
Official Website: http://www.soldoutticketmarket.com/theatre-tickets/jimmy-carr-tickets/
Added by stellarose05 on December 1, 2010