The Comedy show is an eclectic blend of comedy, music and cultures. The show, hosted by Debra Wilson Skelton (MadTV, E!), features Jill-Michele Meleán (MadTV, Reno 911,), Emmy nominated music producer and Hip Hop Battle Champion Judi "Sketch" Lewinson and has a rotating line-up (number of additional comics are based on budget and availability) of Meleán's celebrity friends including Bone Hampton (NBC's My Name Is Earl), Matt Iseman (Style Network's Clean House,), Bernadette Balagtas (CW's Girlfriends, Comics Unleashed), Gina Yashere (NBC's Last Comic Standing), Mo Collins (40 Year Old Virgin, Mad TV), Carlos Alazraqui (Officer Garcia Reno 911, Taco Bell Dog), Sandra Valls (Showtime's Latin Divas of Comedy) and Jenica Bergere (ABC's Drew Carey Show). In addition to being extremely funny the unique cast of comedians are all close friends and have previously worked together on various film and t.v. projects.
Line Up for May 14th:
Host: Sandra Valls
Jen Kober
Jill-Michelle Melean
Nadine Rajabi
Carlos Alazraqui
**Line Up Subject to Change**
Official Website:
Added by Hollywood Improv on June 3, 2009