Inspired by the work of the Marin Organizing Committee, the Center for Jewish Life at the Osher Marin JCC is partnering with ten local and regional Jewish organizations to present an evening of learning and community connection on Wednesday, February 10, 2010, at 7pm. "The Jewish Approach to Social Justice" will feature Jill Jacobs, Rabbi-in-residence at the Jewish Funds for Justice, and author of There Shall Be No Needy - Pursuing Social Justice Through Jewish Law and Tradition, in conversation with Rabbi Lavey Derby of Congregation Kol Shofar in Tiburon. Participants will also have an opportunity to engage in one-on-one relational meetings to explore their own experiences with social justice and begin to build the connections that serve as groundwork for establishing a holy community. This event is co-sponsored by Congregation Kol Shofar, Congregation Rodef Sholom, Brandeis Hillel Day School, the Marin regions of the Jewish Community Federation and the Jewish Community Relations Council and American Jewish World Service in association with Congregation Gan Ha'Lev, the Progressive Jewish Alliance, Hazon and Jewish Family and Children's Services.
Meredith Parnell, Director of Communications for Congregation Rodef Sholom, sees this event as an opportunity "to help people understand the difference between the traditional view of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), which is based on doing things for those in need, and the idea of building a relational community that is organizing for political change."
The Center for Jewish Life at the Osher Marin JCC, funded by the Koret and Taube Foundations, is dedicated to providing adult Jewish learning opportunities to both Jews and non-Jews in the North Bay. Monthly classes with JCC Scholar Rabbi Darren Kleinberg include "On One Foot - All of Judaism in 60 Minutes", "Repairing the World" and "Why Be Jewish? Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Family".
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Added by FullCalendar on January 22, 2010