Join us for our JIBE July Event!
Have you ever thought of starting your own business in Japan? Are you an entrepreneur looking to expand your market into Japan? Are you interested in connecting with Japanese entrepreneurs looking for foreigners in Japan or foreign markets? Join us on July 17, 2009 in Nagoya as we host another exciting event connecting like minded entrepreneurs (and entrepreneur wannabe’s) with potential partners.
Our speaker this month will be Jutta Jerlich of Be-Innovative ( Jutta is an experienced entrepreneur and consultant who has helped European governments educate entrepreneurs in accessing foreign markets. Jutta will be sharing her experiences as well as provide valuable information for Japanese companies wishing to access European markets.
The evening will also provide opportunities to pitch products, services and/or ideas though recruitment will not be permitted.
Translation of presentations will be provided in English and Japanese. Translators for individual discussions and collaborations will be made available for a nominal fee.
Hors d'oeuvres and beverages provided.
Free POKEN (a 2,480 yen value) for new participants!
*Please note: Due to the structured nature of the event, potential participants much submit an application prior to attendance. JIBE reserves the right to issue invitations to those qualified applicants. Fees collected will be for this event only and no further obligation will be required. No sales, multilevel marketing or affiliate marketing will be permitted independently or in association with JIBE at this or future events.
Interested? Go here first:
We’re looking forward to seeing you at this great event!
Hosted by Robert Sanzalone and Yuki Takagi
JIBE第二回目イベント - 7月度のイベント案内(デジタル名刺Pokenを使った、名古屋初の国際ビジネスイベント)
日程 7月17日(金)
時間 7時30分~9時30分
場所 名古屋セミナールーム 上前津駅前店
住所 愛知県 名古屋市中区大須三丁目40-28 セントラルラフォーレビル5階
ジャパン・インターナショナル・ビジネス・エクスチェンジ (JIBE) 名古屋
ゲストとして招いているスピーカーは、ビー・イノベイティブ のユタ・ヤーリッヒ氏です。ユタ氏は、起業家であり、なおかつ、コンサルタントとしての豊富な経歴を持ち、起業家が外国市場への進出する際のサポートや指導など、ヨーロッパ政府の為に働いた経験を持っておられます。ユタ氏は日本の起業家や会社がヨーロッパ市場へ進出していく際に、重要となるポイントや、彼女が実際に直面した問題点などを、今回のJIBEのセミナーセッションで語ってくださる予定です。
チケット料金: 5,000 円
Added by pacificIT on June 30, 2009