1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

David Wesley speaks on Palestinians within the Green Line and their struggle for equality. He is the author of State Practices and Zionist Images (2006), "the most important book to date from Israeli anthropology," according to Tom Selwyn of London Metropolitan University. A citizen of Israel since 1955, Wesley progressed from a commitment to Labor Zionism and the kibbutz movement to a commitment to a shared homeland for Palestinians and Jews. He lives in a mixed neighborhood of Jaffa and works as a freelance translator.

Sponsored by BFUU and St. Joseph the Worker Social Justice Committees
Donations welcomed for our on-going social justice work
Wheelchair accessible


Contact: Jeanie Shaterian, 510- 548-3048 or jshaterian@sonic.net

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Added by benburch666 on March 23, 2009