Jewish Witness to a Polish Century
Pictures and Stories from the
Centropa Interviews in Poland, 2001-2008
The Centropa Project spent seven years interviewing the oldest Jews still living in Poland to find out how their families lived during the Holocaust. From this treasure chest of Jewish memories, Centropa created an amazing exhibit of more than 100, six-foot-tall banners that tell compelling and insightful stories. Accompanied by an interactive website, multimedia fi lms and online projects created by Polish high school students, Jewish Witness to a Polish Century is an exhibition that uses 21st century technologies to connect us to 20th century Jewish history.
For more information on the Centropa Project please visit
Underwritten by the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture, The Koret Foundation and The Jewish Community Endowment Fund.
Co-sponsored by The Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford,The Jewish Community Relations Council and the Anti-Defamation League of the Central Pacific Region.
Wednesday, September 15–Monday, November 29
Koch Gallery, Schultz Cultural Arts Hall Lobby
FREE: To schedule a viewing, contact Jennifer Landucci at
(650) 223-8664 or
Official Website:
Added by paris_apostolopoulos on November 1, 2010