210 Abbott Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

Jet Set Departures presents

Vegas Launch Party
At Rocksteady Thursdays with Mostly Marley

The official launch party for the Jet Set Crew's Departure Las Vegas Getaway, featuring live Reggae feelgood hits by Mostly Marley. Win a Donnelly Nightclubs VIP package and VIP wristbands for the Departure weekend.

RSVP to ts@donnellygroup.ca.

$6.50 Classic Beach Cocktails
$5 Euro - Lager (20 oz)

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Please drink responsibly and plan for a safe ride home.

Official Website: http://www.clubzone.com/events/348840/vancouver/the-lamplighter-public-house/jet-set-departures-vegas-launch-party

Added by DHM on April 26, 2011

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