You’re invited! Come join Jersey Shore Watercraft Rentals for a Summer Bash complete with DJs, Free Food, Prizes, Giveaways, Jet Skis and best of all: water-propelled Jet Packs known as the Jet Levs.
Local businessman Manny Bello would like to cordially invite you to come out this Sunday to spend some time in the sun and check out what the exclusive Jet Lev dealer of New Jersey has to offer.
The cast of the Jersey Shore earned their wings on our jet packs and we invite you to do the same, or feel free to just come and watch!
WHAT: Coming Out Party for Jet Lev Jersey Shore jet packs
WHERE: 1200 Bay Boulevard (Bayside)
Seaside Heights, NJ 08751
WHEN: Sunday August 5th; Noon-5pm
WHY: To put the state-of-the-art Jet Lev jet pack on display and have a party
WHO: Jersey Shore Watercraft Rentals
DJs from 105.7 The Hawk and 94.3 The Point
Anyone looking to have a good time
Added by John Criscione on August 1, 2012