6539 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90038

It's the fall of 2009, in a dilapidated North Hollywood apartment. Rue Murphy has a failing house-cleaning business, a stalled acting career, five maxed out credit cards, and a grown-up dependent daughter named Lo who, to put it kindly, spends most days knitting with only one needle. They are subject to frequent and somewhat disconcerting visits from the apartment super/part-time porn producer, Morty Saks. When the aspiring actress Shari Katzin explodes onto the scene, with all the energy and blind optimism of a newly-hatched LA transplant, their lives just may change forever...In this grey world of reality TV shows, chemical cocktails, and financial anorexia, Jennifer Aniston glimmers as a beacon of beauty and hope, a symbol of all that is healthy and good, the ideal embodiment of that most glorious American creature, The Celebrity.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 8, 2012