The dynamic leader of Habitat for Humanity will discuss the REstore program ( at their offices as well as how providing affordable, sustainable housing helps end a cycle of poverty. Many opportunities to contribute in this worthwhile, ongoing project in Greater Cleveland will reveal themselves through this lively discussion. And if we are lucky, we may just get Jeffrey to veer off topic a bit and talk about his other life as a performance poet.
So put it on your calendar, buy a six pack of your favorite brew, attend this Midtown Brews event, and add your voice to the dialogue. A $5.00 contribution to Midtown Brews will help defray the cost of the delectable munchies we usually have.
Midtown Brews is brought to us in collaboration with I-OPEN. Go to to learn more about the new and innovative solutions they bring to our region for economic development.
Official Website:
Added by MeetTheBloggers on June 22, 2007