2349 E. 99th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60617

Jeffery Manor: Bring It On Home (Play)

On Saturday, 11 June 2011, from 3 pm - 6 pm at the 1st New Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church 2349 East 99th Street Chicago, IL 60617 we will be presenting a play with musical performances entitled: "Jeffery Manor: Bring It On Home.” This presentation features two former Jeffery Manor residents, musicians Jeff Dale and Jeff Stone and playwright Tearched Scott III. This event will also utilized some of it's proceeds to help raise funds in order to build the Jeffery Manor Health & Services Community Center. Please go to Facebook page: Jeffery Manor Health & Services Community Center or email us at Jefferymanoroutreach@gmail.com for any questions or concerns.

Added by trscott003 on May 5, 2011

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