Hear how experienced entrepreneurs turned their ideas into successful businesses. Learn what JeffersonU has to offer your start-up. Networking and appetizers included. All potential applicants are encouraged to attend.
What is JeffersonU?
It’s a program designed to help you launch your company. JeffersonU helps growth companies get the resources they need to be successful. In seven intense sessions, selected companies will learn how to effectively structure, plan, develop and manage their businesses, and prepare to effectively present their business for funding opportunities. The program will include a mentor assigned to each company and a team of coaches who will cover all the basics of launching a company.
Apply to JeffersonU at http://bit.ly/ApplytoJeffersonU or register for the preview event below. Deadline to apply is April 12th. Contact lorih@oen.org for more information.
Official Website: http://www.oen.org/events.aspx?id=266
Added by Oregon Entrepreneurs Network on March 21, 2012