120 Morris St
Durham, North Carolina

Public is invited to a free artists’ reception as part of downtown Durham’s Third Friday on Friday March 15th, from 5-7, featuring a live, site-specific performance by Jody Cassell as part of Resolving the Disquiet

Jeanne Heifetz, The Geometry of Hope A mixed media exhibit on view in the Durham Arts Council’s Allenton Gallery March 15th-May 5th
Resolving the Disquiet: Installations by Jan-Ru Wan, Jody Cassell, Megan Bostic, and Samantha Pell On view in the Durham Arts Council’s Semans Gallery March 15th-May 5th
Sauda Zahra: With These Hands – Quilting as a Spiritual Odyssey Art quilts on view in the Durham Arts Council’s Ella Fountain Pratt Legacy Gallery January 18th-July 14th

The Durham Arts Council information is as follows:
120 Morris St. Durham, NC 27707
Contact: Lindsay Gordon, artist services manager, lgordon@durhamarts.org

Official Website: http://www.durhamarts.org

Added by durhamartscouncil on February 25, 2013

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