Now in their fourth season, the award-winning Jazzschool Studio Bands are advanced-level high school ensembles comprised of some of the San Francisco Bay Area's top high school musicians. The ensembles are dedicated to the study and performance of standard and contemporary big band literature. Under the director of Keith Johnson, the Jazzschool Studio Bands perform frequently throughout the Bay Area and participate in national jazz festivals and competitions throughout the United States and abroad. The bands have performed at esteemed jazz clubs including Yoshi’s Oakland and San Francisco, the Jazzschool, and Savanna Jazz in San Francisco, as well as the Heritage Music Festival in New York, the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in Idaho, Next Generation Festival in Monterey, the Monterey Jazz Festival, the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland and the Vienne Jazz Festival in France. This summer the bands embark on their second European tour where they will perform at the Montreux Jazz Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival and Umbria Jazz Festival in addition to several performances across Europe.
Added by Yoshis on November 29, 2010