Jazz and Blues
Jazz & Blues at the Library is a monthly program series featuring important forms of American music. A $3.00 admission is charged for live performances. Show your Friends of Southfield Public Library Membership card to receive a discount. No admission is charged for children under 12.
Gary T. Winslow
Reverend Gary Davis, Jr., considered by many to be the greatest gospel-blues guitarist in history has a list of esteemed students to add to his many accomplishments. One such pupil was the great Tom Griffin Winslow, who is still an accomplished singer-songster. Winslow named his first-born son after the legendary Davis. The son is Gary T. Winslow, and this history and tradition is the foundation of what the younger Winslow brings to the stage.
Thursday, February 28 at 6:30pm in the Meeting Room.
Added by southfield.library on January 18, 2008