When is it:
Friday November 9, 2007
Where is it:
LOVE Nightclub
1350 Okie Street
North East Washington DC 20002
How much is it:
Join D:V::E::: in conjunction with Marc & Taz as we welcome Jay – Z to LOVE. Be sure to join us for the Afterparty on the 3rd floor with DJ Analyze and 93.9 WKYS broadcasting live.
For more information contact Skeeter J @ S.Jones@DejaDirect.com by 4P.M. Friday November 9, 2007. Be sure to put "Jay-Z" in your subject line.
D:V::E::: Entertaining the world by any means necessary!!
**21 & UP**
**Grown & Sexy Attire Required!!**
Added by D:V::E::: on September 19, 2007