116-120 Goswell Road
London, England EC1V 7DP

[ANN] JAVAWUG BOF 56 :: JAVAWUG BOF 56 Open Railo and Actor Distributed Computing :: 27 April 2010 :: SkillsMatter, London

I would like to formally announce that JAVAWUG (Java Web User Group) is holding the Fifty Six Birds-of-Feather (Meet-up 56) at Skills Matter on Tuesday, 27th April 2010 from 18:30 until 20:30.


Title: Railo Open Source
Speakers: Mark Drew

Railo is an Open Source Project that provides a dynamic runtime engine on the JVM for quickly developing web applications.
In this talk Mark Drew will show you some of the features of this engine, as an application server and language.
Railo Open Source is a project backed by JBoss.org and can be easily downloaded and run from http://www.getrailo.org

Title: Actor-based approach to Distributed Software using Dynamic Service Provisioning and SLA management
Speakers: Paul McGrath and Shaine Ismail

We are going to talk about a very important aspect of distributed computing.

This is the rio project


The event free, but the you must register in order to attend http://skillsmatter.com/event/javawug/javawug-bof-56

Official Announcement http://www.jroller.com/javawug/entry/javawug_bof_56_open_railo


The Skills Matter eXchange
116-120 Goswell Road
London, EC1V 7DP
United Kingdom

The venue has graciously been organised by Skills Matter eXchange team. We all appreciate this generous gift.

Peter Pilgrim,
Founder and Organiser
Java Web User Group (JAVAWUG)

Official Website: http://www.jroller.com/javawug/entry/javawug_bof_56_open_railo

Added by peter_java_pilgrim on April 13, 2010

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