[ANN] JAVAWUG BOF 41 :: JAVAWUG BOF 41 Web Applications and RESTful Services :: 20 Oct 2008 :: London, UK
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Hi All
JAVAWUG is please to announce BOF 41 ``Web Applications and RESTful Services'' with Daniel Silva and Louis Emmett. This event will taking place at Skills Matter, London on Monday 20th October 2008 from 6:30pm - 8:15pm.
TALK: Web Applications Today and Tomorrow
SPEAKER: Daniel Silva
Web Applications have quickly become common place in many contexts. In this talk we'll take a look back at the core of what Web Applications are, discuss where we are today and consider together what the future holds for developing and delivering systems on the "Programmable Web".
# Web Applications Wikipedia Page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application)
# Programmable Web (http://www.programmableweb.com)
TALK: RESTful Services and RESTeasy
SPEAKER: Daniel Silva
REST is becoming an increasingly popular and effective way of delivering Web-based Data Services. With the JAX-RS standard it is now easy for Java developers to develop and deploy REST services. In this talk we'll be looking at the JBoss JAX-RS product (RESTeasy) and showing how you can deliver your first REST application.
* JBoss RESTEasy (http://www.jboss.org/resteasy)
* JSR-311 (http://jsr311.dev.java.net/)
For more information, goto http://www.jroller.com/javawug/entry/javawug_bof_41_web_applications
Please register with Skills Matter http://skillsmatter.com/event/java-jee/
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If you aren't a JAVAWUG member why not join the JAVAWUG at Google Groups? http://groups.google.com/group/javawug
Java Web User Group :: JAVAWUG :: London, UK :: Peter Pilgrim, JUG Leader http://www.javawug.com/
Official Website: http://www.jroller.com/javawug/entry/javawug_bof_41_web_applications
Added by peter_java_pilgrim on September 29, 2008