6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821


JavaScript is one of the most widely used cross-browser scripting languages available for the web today. This course will teach students to add style and interactivity to their websites. Using lecture and hands-on lab work, students will learn JavaScript syntax and programming constructs. In scripting, they will respond to the user, validate forms, build cookies, and create other dynamic effects. Students will leave with the ability to effectively use client-side JavaScript.

Understand how JavaScript fits into the World Wide Web
Learn basic JavaScript programming syntax
Comprehend the JavaScript Document Object Model
Use JavaScript to enhance HTML documents

A knowledge of HTML is required

Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Day 1
Getting Started with JavaScript
Creating a basic JavaScript script
Executing a script
Adding comments to a script
Managing the Browser Window
Displaying messages on the Status Bar
Opening a linked page in a new window
Managing the Document
Writing Content to a document
Creating a dynamic document
Manipulating Data and Functions
Creating a form
Creating a function
Storing data using variables
Manipulating data using operators
Converting data types

Day 2
Validating Statements Using Control Constructs
Validating statements
Executing statements iteratively
Calculating Numerical Values
Calculating numerical values
Manipulating string values
Manipulating date values
Using Regular Expressions and understanding AJAX
Using Regular Expressions to match patterns in a string
Understanding the basics of AJAX

Day 3
Using Programming Techniques
Maintaining JavaScript code
Debugging JavaScript code
Implementing Cross-Browser Compatibility
Providing support for multiple browsers
Enabling JavaScript
Detecting browser and JavaScript versions
Detecting objects
Handling exceptions
Using Custom Objects in JavaScript
Creating custom objects
Using constructor functions
Adding methods to objects
Using Prototype Functions

Day 4
Working with Arrays
Creating Arrays
Deleting Array Elements
Using multidimensional arrays
Handling Cookies Using JavaScript
Using cookie objects
Storing cookies
Processing cookie values
Deleting cookies
Validating forms using JavaScript
Validating forms using the generic approach
Implementing generic validation using custom objects

Day 5
Programming Using DOM API
Traverse documents
Modifying documents
Appending nodes to documents
Communicating with Plug-Ins and Server Applications
Communicating with Adobe Flash content
Communicating with Active X
Communicating with Server Applications
Using AJAX
Create an XML.HTTP Request Object
Fetch information from servers using the XML.HTTP Request object
Creating applications with AJAX
Creating an auto-complete application using AJAX
Interacting with a database using AJAX
Validating forms using AJAX
Working with third-party AJAX libraries

Added by FMC_Orlando on March 15, 2011