San Francisco
San Francisco, California

In the course of this Java training in San Francisco, you
will master the essentials of this popular programming language
and learn to write powerful, efficient applications which can be
run on almost any platform or device. AcademyX's Java Boot Camp
instructors bring years of real-world experience developing,
debugging and deploying Java applications, so that you will leave
class with Java programming skills you can apply right away. This
Java training course will provide you with intensive practical
experience designing, writing, compiling, and executing Java
applications, enabling you to solidify the broad set of skills
required to develop fully functional Java programs which can
interact with existing SQL databases. Upon completing this
course, you will be able to:

* Install the Java Software Development Kit (SDK), and
understand its components.
* Gain proficiency with the key technologies used to write,
compile, test, troubleshoot and execute Java applications.
* Learn Java syntax and the object-oriented programming
paradigm to code faster and more efficiently.
* Create sophisticated GUI applications with the look and
feel of the underlying platform with Swing.
* Learn to debug Swing applications with a minimum of hassle.
* Employ a few simple techniques to maximize the reliability
of programs, simplify application maintenance and facilitate
collaboration among developers.
* Understand how specifiers and qualifiers can help reduce
system complexity and safeguard Java objects.
* Accelerate the software development process with Eclipse's
wealth of extensible plug-ins.
* Harness Eclipse's ability to incorporate other programming
languages such as C, Python and Ruby on Rails.
* Expedite class and method creation by using the concept of
* Apply the concept of inheritance to reuse existing code on
new Java classes.
* Implement Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to query
and update tables in almost any data

Official Website:

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 5, 2011