On the 90th anniversary of Thelonious Monk’s birth pianist Jason Moran will explore Monk’s music and discuss his legend with critic Gary Giddins. Jason Moran is a leading jazz pianist and composer of the past decade. He will soon debut a major commission: IN MY MIND: Monk at Town Hall 1959. His many recordings include Soundtrack to Human Motion, Modernistic, and Same Mother. Gary Giddins is the author of nine books, including Natural Selection: Gary Giddins on Comedy, Film, Music and Books, Weather Bird; Satchmo; Bing Crosby: A Pocketful of Dreams; and Visions of Jazz: The First Century, for which he won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism.
The event is free and open to the public.
Official Website: http://web.gc.cuny.edu/humanities/
Added by Center for the Humanities on September 26, 2007